Lesson Plan Generators
Lesson plan
A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need and/or curiosity of children. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.
A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students. It incorporates best practices for the educational field. The lesson plan correlates with the teacher's philosophy of education, which is what the teacher feels is the purpose of educating the students.
A Scheme of work
is a guideline that defines the structure and content of a course. It
maps out clearly how resources (e.g. books, equipment, time) and class
activities (e.g. teacher-talk, groupwork, practicals, discussions) and
assessment strategies (e.g. tests, quizzes, Q&A, homework) will be
used to ensure that the learning aims and objectives of the course are
met successfully. It will normally include times and dates.
scheme of work is usually an interpretation of a specification or
syllabus and can be used as a guide throughout the course to monitor
progress against the original plan. Schemes of work can be shared with
students so that they have an overview of their course.
Lesson Plan Generators
Trained Teacher Nuzuhath Moosa
Trained Teacher Natasha Jaufar
Relief Teacher Mariyam Safnaz
Relief Teacher Ahmed Afrah
Trained Teacher Natasha Jaufar
Relief Teacher Mariyam Safnaz
Relief Teacher Ahmed Afrah
Qualified Teacher Sajeena M
Relief Teacher Mariyam Safnaz
Trained Teacher Natasha Jaufar
Relief Teacher Ahmed Afrah
Leading Teacher
Trained Leading Teacher Ahmed Shafeeq
Relief Teacher Mariyam Safnaz
Trained Teacher Natasha Jaufar
Relief Teacher Ahmed Afrah
Leading Teacher
Trained Leading Teacher Ahmed Shafeeq